Visit to Hong Kong Museum of Art
16 November 2021

On November 16th (Tuesday), we organised a visit to the “Hong Kong Museum of Art” for our K2 and K3 children.
The choice of this venue was done in order to promote the love for art and critical and individual thinking. Our aim was to see how art has a gr

Visit to the Science Museum
10 November 2021

On Wednesday the 10th of November we had our very first K1 outing to the Science Museum. It was a fun and educational event. We got the opportunity to explore a new environment, learn about how lights and shadows can change, the differences in sounds and

Visiting Wycombe Abbey School
17 June 2021

Our school believes that the child's knowledge is constructed from the child's life experiences, this is why our school arranges a variety of outdoor activities to enhance and support the child’s learning. This week, our children took a trip to the Wycomb

Visit to Hong Kong Park Forsgate Conservatory
25 May 2021

To cultivate children's curiosity and enhance their understanding of the natural environment, a visit to Hong Kong Park Forsgate Conservatory was arranged for all our K2 & K3 pupils on 25 May, 2021. In the process of touring and observing plants, the pupi

Visiting South Horizons Park
20 May 2021

To support our school’s project learning, a visit to the South Horizons Park was arranged for all our K1 pupils on Thursday 20th of May, the K1 students got the exciting opportunity to explore our schools neighbourhood park to see what kind of fun activit