Food Waste Talk
14 March 2023

Today we imagined if we were a piece of food…. We would want to be in everyone’s tummy, not the landfill! We reflected on whether we finished our breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. A big thank you to Ms. Fanny from FeedingHK who delivered an energetic ta

Coffee Dialogue
04 March 2023

Today, the IIKG welcomed the parents representatives on campus for a coffee dialogue with our teachers and management staff. Creating an informal platform where parents can express their opinions and give valuable feedback about the school environment, ad

Big Bus Tour
21 February 2023

Today we took our K1/2/3 students on the Big Bus Tour! They had the chance to see their wonderful city from a new perspective, trying to spot as many landmarks as they could, fascinated by the many things happening around them. "The wheels on the bus" son

Open Day 2022-23
18 February 2023

It's a wrap today! Thank you for joining our veggie-filled day of fun, sunshine, light and shadow experience, soil digging, silly-soup making, music and movement, and other artistic expression! We hope you enjoyed chatting with our early years enthusiasts

Showcasing IIKG’s Little Performers
13 January 2023

Italian International Nursery and Kindergarten is proud to present our K1-3 little performers who came out of their shells- confident, energetic, articulate, and fearless in showcasing their achievements over the term! A big thank you to supportive parent