
學校與意大利教育機構Reggio Children簽訂合作協議,該機構重視並維護在瑞吉歐・艾蜜莉亞(Reggio Emilia)市政嬰幼兒中心和學前班的經驗,在意大利乃至全世界被稱為瑞吉歐教學法。


IIN&KG 開放日 2024 年 4 月 27 日

將於 4 月 27 日(星期六)舉行開放日,邀請所有有意認識幼兒園和幼稚園課程!

上午時段(專為7 至 24 個月大的幼兒及其家庭而設)
A 組:上午 9:00-10:30
B 組:中午 11:00-12:30


27 April 2024

繪意杯兒童繪畫大賽 (2023-2024)

意大利國際幼稚園暨幼兒園很高興本校宣佈參加第九屆繪意杯兒童繪畫大賽作品征;本屆比賽的主題是:“對/畫/馬可·波羅 – 跨越中意的奇妙旅程”。



15 April 2024

School Visit for Prospective Families

Dear Parents,

The Italian International Nursery and Kindergarten is welcoming prospective families for PN and K classes with a school visit on 15 March 2024, 3:00 p.m.

The School Tour is a great chance to meet the team, learn about the School curric

15 March 2024


意大利國際幼稚園暨幼兒園將為為 2 至 6 歲的兒童提供富瑞吉歐特色的聖誕日營。是次日營是個多元的學習體驗,當中包括:聖誕故事、天然材料探索活動、光影探索、烹飪樂和藝術創作活動。
日期:2023 年 12 月 21 日至 22 日
時間:上午 9:30 至 12:00
絕對不要錯這個既難忘又豐富的聖誕假期的體驗!如要了解更多資料,請致電 2662 3066 或 Whatsapp +852 5702 2731。

21 December 2023

The Italian Charity Fair

Save-the-date. Saturday, December 2nd, the Italian International Nursery and Kindergarten K2, K3 children and School choir will perform at The Italian Charity Fair (“Il Mercatino di IWA”).
Location: The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital, 12 Sandy Bay R

02 December 2023


感謝所有投票和參與比賽的人! 我們在投票過程中聽到了很多“哇”的聲音。再次恭喜得獎者們!

06 April 2023


我們為我們的 K2 學生 Dorothy 感到自豪,她在跆拳道練習和考試中憑藉她的努力、敏銳的專注和決心晉級黃帶!
我們逢星期六早上於校園進行的跆拳道班(以英語授課)的申請仍然開放! 如有意報名,或安排試堂,請發Whatsapp 至 +852 57022731 - 名額有限!

06 March 2023

Crescere all’estero: rischi e vantaggi dei bambini della terza cultura (TCK)

Incontro con Giulia Schembri. Lunedì 20 Febbraio, 6:15-8:30 p.m. @House Studio

Cari Genitori,

Presentiamo, in collaborazione con Consolato d’Italia a Hong Kong, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Biblioteca Italiana, Italian Women Association, Dante Al

20 February 2023

PN & K1 開放日

意大利國際幼稚園暨幼兒園於 2 月 18 日(星期六)為本校PN 和 K1孩子及其家庭舉行開放日。 是次主題是善良,我們更歡迎學生帶一位校外朋友一起出席活動,散播愛和歡樂!
溫馨提示:出席前先聽聽Ms Camilla朗讀故事《If you plant a seed》,並把這張入場票轉給當天想參加的朋友! 再見!
時間:上午 9:00 - 11:00

18 February 2023


The IIN&IIKG is located by the waterfront in linear and winding premises, providing natural lighting to a great degree. More than 10,000 ft2 has six classrooms and several function rooms, such as the art room, light and shadow room, library, music area and play areas. According to the licenses by the Education Bureau, the IIN&IIKG can accommodate up to 217 children.

The premises were purchased in 2019 to ensure the long-term sustainability of the School.

The best of the Italian pedagogic tradition
The best of the Italian pedagogic tradition
The best of the Italian pedagogic tradition
The best of the Italian pedagogic tradition